
2 min read


If you’re new to the tech sphere, it might not be surprising to know how confused you’re with some of the most used terms and jargon in the industry. Most of the times, these terms are used interchangeably for the same job description, one might even wonder if they actually mean the same thing.

Software development and programming are by far one of the most widely used jargon in the tech industry. Do they mean the same thing? Are they similar? Is it distinctively black ‘n white? These are some questions you may have asked yourself for a while now. Let’s explore the if, the why and whether they are similar or different or both.

What is Software Development?

Software Development is the complete process of developing a software which involves Research, Software Design, Analysis, Development, Core Implementation, Writing Documentation and Specs, Testing Software, Maintenance & Feedback.

What is Programming?

Programming is the process of using a computer language such as C#, Java, Swift, JavaScript, Python, PHP, C++, Rust and other widely used programming languages to develop software.


Software Development actually differs from programming because the former involves the entire development process from researching about the needs and functionalities of the software to designing the look and feel of the software interface, getting feedback from users of the software to testing and maintaining the application.


Both software development and programming incorporate the use of a computer language in building the application, but for the former the language is a tool with a means to an end while the latter revolves around coding and building the application using the said language tools.

Next Steps

Having established the meaning, differences and similarities between software development and programming, it’s imperative to say that both work together to achieve one goal, which is building products that make life easy for businesses and individuals.